Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I hate going on vacation. You're gone from work for 2 days, and as soon as you get back, you find out something has either horribly gone wrong or noone can figure out the things you do (even tho it's all documented). Well, at least I have job security. ;)

So... I'm back. Actually, I got back yesterday afternoon, but I just needed to sit around and veg. Yet another sunburn to nurse. Living under all this flourescent lighting for the last 7 years has weakened my tolerance to the sun. As much as I hate to say this, I guess I'm going to have to start going to a tanning bed about once or twice a month. I'll just find one of those weak ones. I've been missing my regularly tanned skin anyway.

Well, RC2 is now out for Windows Vista, so I'm gonna give the wireless and the video another try. Maybe even Fedora Core 6 Test 2 will work (I need to play with the ndiswrapper from ATrpms). I'm off to reformat my laptop... once again. I've taken a chance and rented "Please Teacher!" since I haven't seen much on it. It's a little odd, but it seems to be pretty good. It's running in the background.


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