Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Another day older... a little more crustier.


So more crustier is not correct grammer, but screw it.  It's my birthday.  Well, it was.  So how do I spend a Monday b-day?  Hot wings and beer a one of my favorite eateries, Taco Mac.  w00+!  Plus, I've re-kindled some old friendships.  They've been more like family to me in the past, so it's endaring to be in good terms again.  It's not that we ever were on bad terms; I've just been a badly un-communicative friend.

Enuff of the sapiness.  Today's was a good day.  St Patties was a good weekend.  I saw this really cool poster at a bar, but I can't find the image anywhere.  It translated "I shamrock Guinness".  :D  Schweet!  So I held up my yearly tradition of having a pint of Guinness.  Didn't hit an Irish pub or anything.  The big one in town is usually packed on a normal weekend; I couldn't imagine going down there for St Patties.

In all its old-age glory, that was my night (and weekend).  I was thinking of working on God of War II a little more tonight (been playing it since last Thurs), but I do still need to be at work at a decent time tomorrow (even though it is Spring Break).  There's just something so theraputic about beating a Harpie to death with its own arm after ripping it off.  ;)


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Nothing but re-runs...

...and my Tuesdays have been replaced with whatVeronica Mars is not on, but Pussycat Dolls/the Next Doll, is?  Yeah... no.  Even Stargate SG-1 is a re-run.  I'm done working (yes, I'm doing work this late, again).  I was thinking of being productive (you know... those things called "cleaning" and "organization"?), but 2 glasses of wine changed that real fast.  ;)

So... where did I leave off?  Oh, yeah!  .... wait... I just have to cringe everytime that damn Quizzno's commercial comes on.  That ditzy chick at the end of the commercial with her shrilling... giggle, or whatever that is... just chills me to the bone.  15 minutes of stupidity fame.  Gotta love this society.  ....Anyway.  Gamer's wish list for the summer (since I can't think of anything more practical to rant on):

  • DOAX 2 (360) (been out for a while)
    - yes, I'm a sap for jello physics  ;)
  • God Of War 2 (PS2) (tonight, so going to pick it up tomorrow)
  • Command and Conquer 3 (PC) (Mar 28)
  • Bioshock (360) (Spring 2007)
  • !!!!! .hack//G.U. Vol 2 !!!!! (PS2) (Q3 2007 <- what kind of stupid date is that; why don't they just say "for Christmas"?!)
  • !!!!! Halo 3 !!!!! (360) (not official, but October)
  • Halo Wars (?) (no frikin' clue; 2008?)
  • and, duh, Tomb Raider Anniversary (May 2007)

I know there are others; I just can't think right now.  Need more whine.  ;)  Ok, going to practice my God of War sk1llz for tomorrow's continuation.  :D  BTW, I love my new DVR and HD!!!  Now I can watch Avatar and Naruto!  ;D

Summer bookworm list next (maybe).  Since I don't have a PSP, yet, I gotta have something to do while I'm on "sMARTA".


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I really should get out... less...

It's been a month?  Wow.  Guess I've been having too much fun with my tax return.  :)  I went a little overboard with my purchases.  Let's see.  I went clothes shopping with my cousins on one of their birthdays... and actually had fun.  I've increased my game stock... again.  Hmmmm, what else?  Been too lazy to go to the grocery store, so I've been eating out.  ...and at this current moment in time, I have a giggling 5 year-old leaning over my laptop that is extremely fascinated with the blue touchpoint mouse.  ;)

OK, all that's over.  Everything's been a little nutters (my new fav word - from the Harry Potter series).  Work has just been absolutely swamped.  I'm now in charge of all internal network and security auditing and scanning.  I've always wanted to do network security.  Now?  Not so much.  It's depressing.  All you do is spend all day finding out what's wrong with your environment, then you have to tell everyone else how to fix it.  I definately won't be considering this as a future full time option anymore.  Needless to say, I've just managed to start catching up on the last 3 weeks worth of work today.  I'm hoping to be pretty close by Friday.

Either way, I'm taking vacation during Spring Break.  1. It begins St. Pattie's Day.  2. I'm in dire need for some warm weather.  3. My sanity is becoming very brittle.  Funny thing is, my boss actually noticed it this time around.

So, what is happening in the gaming world?  I know they say, "third time's a charm", but I gave up on the Halo Beta.  Didn't feel like buying a game I didn't know much about.  Instead, I'm back on my Final Fantasy kick.  I started playing Dirge of Cerebus.  Neat little storyline.  Always wanted to know more about Vincent's past.  FF XII is progressing nicely.  Slowly, but nicely.  I finished up Lost Planet.  I so totally got my dad hooked on Gears of War.  That was hilarious.  He's now calling me, "What was the name of that game, again?"  "When's the next time you're coming down?  Can you bring the 360 with you?"  :D  LOL!  Oh, and I've upgraded to HD, finally.  Let me tell you... it makes a WHOLE world of difference.

My train of thought has now jumped tracks as I'm trying to watch Jericho (not like I need another new show to watch).  Well, I now have DVR, too, so I've become one of those ppl.  ;)  At least I get to watch my Adult Swim, again.  Oh, one last thought.  Target movies and dvds for the spring and summer:

  • Casino Royale (now)
  • Bridge to Terabithia (now)
  • 300 (now)
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (3/23)
  • Meet the Robinsons (3/30)
  • .hack//ROOTS (4/3)
  • Spiderman 3 (5/4)
  • Pirates of the Carribean 3 (5/25)
  • Paprika (5/25)
  • Knocked Up (6/1)
  • Ocean's 13 (6/8)
  • Fantastic Four 2 (6/15)
  • Nancy Drew (6/15)
  • DOA: Dead or Alive (6/22)
  • Transformers (7/4)
  • Harry Potter 5 (7/13)
  • The Simpsons Movie (7/27)
  • The Bourne Ultimatum (8/3)
  • Resident Evil: Extinction (9/21)
  • The Eye (10/12)

I'll do a gamer's wish list next post.
