Friday, June 29, 2007

Just because I refuse to let myself sleep.

My sleeping habits are getting worse. It needs to be rectified, and soon. But since I'm still awake....

I haven't been too keen on constant blogging lately. It's even been suggested that I take on one of those blog for money kinda things. Pfeh... money. Offer beer and food then we might talk. It's not like there isn't always something happening in my day worth poking fun at or ranting about. It's just that by the time I get home, the motivation for putting fingers to keyboard just isn't there.... Kinda like now. I keep switching tabs in my browser looking for anything to attract my attention. Oh, well. This didn't work out quite as intelligently as I wanted it to. Too bad I don't have any beer. Hey, maybe that's been my problem; I haven't had any in the fridge for pretty much the last too weeks. Good thing pay day's tomorrow. ;)

I was considering spending some quality time with Lady Croft, but I do have to go to work tomorrow. Guess I'll call it a night.


Sunday, June 24, 2007

Keep drinking... maybe it'll get better...

You go to frikin' "Country" bar and you expect Country music and line dancing. Yeah... not tonight. Since I was in no mood to waste my evening playing video games, I got a wild hair up my butt and figured I've give Wild Bill's a chance so I didn't have to drive so far to Cowboys. That turned out to be a bust. I'll have to give props to the house band, however. They are very versatile in their set list. And good at it, too. I gotta get outta this city. I'm not a yuppie. I'm not country folk either, but still. I spent the last hour I was there sitting on the sideline drinking beer and praying for a line dance. I don't exactly consider Kennesaw a back-woods kinda town, but it's better than 5 miles outside the northeast side of the perimeter. The "perimeter" is Atlanta talk for "in town", BTW. I did score points with the 60+ some odd year old line dance teacher, and she gave me a half-price card to get in. Doubt I'll be going back, however. At least, I won't be going back by myself. It's definatly the older crowd that does the line dancing (which is the whole reason I go to "country" bars). Hell, other than that, the best I did was light some chick's smoke and buy her a beer. Didn't see her again for the rest of the evening (which didn't suprise me). Not like I really tried looking for her, either.

Being a white boy, you can't exactly drop your a$$ out on the floor and dance. You start looking like one of those desperate jokers similar to the Indian dude on the floor tonite. The poor sap didn't realize that everyone coming up to him was either giving him props for being so brave or making fun of him.

I gotta find some chick to go to dance clubs with me now that my sister is no longer in town. I miss having a bar/dance club crowd to hang with.

So, that was my waste of a Sat evening. How was yours? :(


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Simple entertainment.

Isn't it interesting to notice the simple and stupid things we do to keep ourselves entertained while we drink?  I just noticed a group that strolled past my apartment that were headed to the pool.  How did I know the pool?  One of the chicks came back by wet in a towel.  Rawr!  ;)  Newayz....  Me?  I've only had a third of a bag of M&M's all day to eat, so three beers into the evening, I'm feeling pretty adventurous.  My hair has finally started to grow back out, so I decided to see how much I could get it to stick up (too much hair goop left in it from today).  For all you old schoolers, I look like Hair Bear.  ;)  w00+!  K.  Just felt like sharing.  I'm going to play video games, now.  :p~


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Back in the fold.

I can't decide what's worse: making up work or catching up on recorded tv after being on vacation.  It's weird.  I actually went for 8 days with no internet, and amazingly enough, there were no withdrawal symptoms.  I've got pictures and a video from Bush Gardens, but I still need to pull them off the camera, so that'll have to be another post.

My gaming riduculousness has been crazy.  The TV season is more-or-less over (minus one or 2 shows), so all I have left to do is watch cartoons and play video games.  I wasted no time diving into G.U., Vol. 2.  After a plethora of late nighters, I completed the storyline in about a week and a half (or 2).  I've started watching the .Hack//Roots series to keep me occupied until Vol. 3 comes out this fall.  I guess with all the TV shows over (and only 2 new ones to keep up with for the summer, I can finally start catching up on my Anime.  Back to gaming.  I picked up Guitar Hero II last week (you know I couldn't go a week without having the 360 with me).  Let me tell you, that game R0X0RZ!!!1!1!!  It's a bit tricky at first, but after a couple of hours and a hand cramp later, you've worked your way through the medium difficulty.  Now I realize why I gave up on trying to learn guitar.  My fingers weren't meant to bend in those weird-ass patterns.  Either way, the game is extremely addictive.  My goal, if nothing else, is to be able to play "Jessica" (Skynyrd), "YYZ" (Rush), and "Miserlou" (Dick Dale) perfectly on the expert difficulty.  I better practice up.  "YYZ" and "Miserlou" kick my ass on medium.  ;)  "Jessica", I almost have.  So, today, Lady Croft resurfaces with the remake of the original Tomb Raider classic (newly titled "Tomb Raider Anniversary") using the "Tomb Raider Legend" engine.  Needless to say, I'll be stopping by GameStop on my way home.  ;)  I've been lucky enough to dig a few hours into the Halo 3 Beta, and let me tell you, the graphics on the next-gen hardware are astounding.  I'm a little dissappointed the the multiplayer is still nothing more than your typical multiplayer; but, Bungie has done a great job of improving the Matchmaking, Lobby, and post-game rollover into a new match.  You can now veto a map (majority rule, of course).  And... you are immediately kicked into a new match about 20-30 seconds after your previous one ends (you can, of course, cancel back out to the Lobby, if you prefer).  That fact that you don't have to go back to the Lobby to find a new game, if you don't want to, is impressive, to me.  The maps are beautifully designed.  You can tell there's still some minor tweaking in the graphics left (I hope).  This is a beta afterall.  the re-emergance of the Assualt Rifle is the most impressive touch to the weapons.  The Spartan Laser is "one shot, one kill" deadly, but you have to wait 5+ seconds for the damn thing to charge.  Not very useful in an 8 man Rumble Pit grudge match.  The new items (bubble shield, portable grav lift, etc.) are kinda cool, but I haven't really been able to survive long enough to figure out how to effectively use them.  I do like the new grenades; 'specially the Brute spike grenade.  Drops some serious damage if you can corner your enemy in a narrow tunnel (like the snow map). 

... Well, I thought I was going to get wet.  I dropped into Ribs and Blues for a late lunch/early dinner.  Looks like I was a day late in anticipating that rain that been creeping up from Central Fla since last week.  It was pouring a flood.  Luckily, this is Georgia, and the old saying still holds true, "If you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes."

OK, enuff Halo drooling.  I need to make a list of some hardware I need purchased.  It'd probably be best if I get it done before I forget my "wish-list".
