Friday, February 09, 2007

Vista-rific? (part 2)

So, yeah... I followed through with the re-install.  But I waited till about 3:30p before I started.  3 hours later (not paying attention, mind you), I'm still at work.  I finally left, and, over-all, I'm not all that dissapointed... so far.  Of course, I haven't really started doing any of my typical administrative tasks.  ;)  There is one thing I didn't think about until I got home: how am I going to use GnuCash to balance my checkbook?  Dumbass.  Now I've got to bring my old laptop online so I can do this.  Problem is, I left all the data backed up on a server at work.  Yeah, I really shouldn't go out during the week.  I'm killing way too many needed brain cells.  :)

Awite, I'm gonna piddle around with this a little more (get the basic apps installed), then I'm off to play Final Fantasy XII for the rest of the night.



It's funny.  I've actually been running the same OS on my laptop for going on 4 months, now, without a re-install.  Hang on... lemme thing about that.... Yeah, that's about right.  This is a rather uncommon occurance for me, and I'm not quite sure how to handle that thought.  Ever since the realease of Vista 2 weeks ago, I've considered, time and again, making it my main OS.  I'm finding myself going back to my VMware'd Windows XP to do more things.  Since I'm running Fedora, I can't exactly test compilations and applications for the systems at work (they run Red Hat Enterprise).  Using Linux out of stubborness is becoming less and less worth it.  I just refuse to dual boot; that's a pain in the ass.  Besides, I miss my power management.  And I won't have to boot a special kernel every time I want to use the wireless card.

Yes.  I think today is the day I head down the path towards assimilation; at least, until Red Hat Enterprise 5 is released at the end of the month.  ;)  Besides, my concentration today is scattered, at best.  That's what I get for going out to Cowboys last night.... and they had Bud Light half off.  Ouch.


Monday, February 05, 2007

Don't feel like doing squat.

You ever have one of those days where you just don't feel productive at all?  Yeah.  Today is that day for me.  I came into work (an hour late, as usual), answered a few requests, then just started surfing the web.  I totally forgot to check my email until a co-worker walked in my office asking about something they'd emailed me on Friday.  Whoops.  Good thing there was nothing important in my Inbox.  :)

I've been peeved with Bungie all frikin' day.  Remember how I was trying to get in on the Halo 3 beta?  Yeah, today is the sign-up day.  They've been pussyfooting around in getting the registration link up.  I've been having to keep checking the site all day.  I've been doing it since midnight last night.  I've signed up; now, hopefully, I made the 13,333 list (missed a 2 hour window in checking).  I had to cut my online play back unexpectedly due to an unscheduled trip back home this weekend.  The fat dog has an ugly scab on her head that hasn't healed, yet.  I'm a little worried, so I left her with my parents for the week to take to the vet (I have such awesome parents).  She normally only goes to the vet for a checkup about once every year and a half, so I never bothered finding one here.   Hopefully the "grandparents" won't spoil her too much.  If I'm lucky, she'll only gain about 10 lbs while she's there.  ;)  Anyway, I think I got my 3hrs worth of online play in, but I'm not totally sure.

(2 hrs later)
Well... looks like I actually ended up finding something to keep me busy after all.  Time to go home.  ;)
