Monday, October 16, 2006

Inspiration gone.

Reinstalling a secondary laptop with Ubuntu.  In the process, the art table is cleared of unrelated clutter.  I find it sitting there.  My empty sketchbook.  With the effort put into getting this thing and other drawing supplies so many months ago, you'd think it would be full of doodles and sketches by now.  There's probably no more than 3 decent drawings and a small handful of screw-ups.  Tonite, I sit, hoping for at least some sort of a creative spurt.  Nope.  This bites.  How am I going to produce an entire comic if I can't even do free sketches from time to time?  The deadline is drawing nearer and nearer.  I have the tools; I've invested in the namespace.  All I need now is the art.  There's just been too much effort put into worring about friends plans and too much misguided time placed on unrealistic ideas.  Time to get back to reality.  Time to work a more manageable schedule and spend time being creative again instead of pouring bitchings and rantings out through a keyboard.  The sabatical was much needed, and I'm pretty sure another one will be taken before the Thanksgiving break.  I even experienced by first corn maze.  Yes, as in you venture through a maze that was cut into a corn field.  If it wasn't daytime, I would have had some serious "Children of the Corn" slash "Pumpkin Head" nightmares.  ;)  At least I'm not claustraphobic.  It was still kinda neat.

Now the question begs, being an hour before midnight, do I pack it in and try to sleep like a normal human being; or, do I pop open the can of Coke in front of me and continue to try to doodle?


I'll let you know tomorrow.  l8rs.

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