Sunday, December 17, 2006

old post... delayed due to site issues

(NOTE: this was originally supposed to be posted 12/12/06)

Dammit, I hate that the freakin MySpace site is not friendly to us non-M$ browser users. I keep trying to delete an email and * BAM! *, it crashes. And, of course be it my luck, Blogger is having shitfits. What a way to close out an even more frustrating and headache-filled day at work. I hate bringing a new building online. No one ever thinks to include the computer support team in their planning, so everything ends up last minute. Then they wonder why crap don't work. Duh! Give us more of a heads up and time to plan, dickweeds.

There... I feel better now. Well, no... not really.

I was going over my "Christmas presents to me" list over the weekend. You know, the ones you end up buying yourself either for the fact that those who do get you presents have no idea why you obsess over that sort of crap, or for the fact that you just feel like treating yourself. Final Fantasy XII is at the top of that list. To get myself hyped up for it, I started playing FFX-2 this weekend. Even tho, I've yet to finish FFX (don't feel like wandering around to build up my characters to be strong enuff to take on Sin), I figured it was about time to start considering I bought it around a year ago. I'm a big fan of RPGs, and the Final Fantasy series in general, but I now understand why it was titled "X-2". Frankly, I'm a bit dissappointed. It's basically a re-hash of the previous game (same environments and world), with half the storyline. You play 2 of chicks from X (Yuna and Rikku) plus a new character, Paine. No adding of party members as the game progresses (at least being 16% done, this is what I've noticed). Ur hunting spheres, and you happen across this one that looks like Titus might still be around.
*** SPOILER WARNING *** Don't read the next line if you don't wanna know how FFX ends.
(In case you haven't figured it out, Titus doesn't come out squeaky clean from the previous game. I'm not quite sure how, but I've seen enuff of the FMV's from the game and on the net plus read enuff about the series to realize.)
But, that's it. For such an over-marketed series, this seems like kind of a lame attempt at something like Dead or Alive Extreme Vollyball (even tho this came out first). Well, they did remove all references to mana and the mana-sphere system for this version. Oh, it's totally fscked up. This whole "dressphere" thing, and the un-cancelable FMV of this magical girl type wardrobe change everytime you switch "roles", is just wrong... and annoying... especially since I've been changing roles 2-3 times PER BATTLE. I guess it's all about the otaku "fan service", which I've never understood, really. That could be good; it means I'm not a true otaku (<-- See the "English/Internationally" section). :D

Well, time to prep for the Season Finale of Nip Tuck, and my battery is dying.


(I finished Gears on "Casual", BTW. Can't remember if I've posted that or not.)

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