Thursday, December 07, 2006

In the news.

I'm not one to regularly watch or read the news, but I happened be be trolling thru my feed reader (yes, I finally started using one) and ran across some interesting/funny articles in Slashdot:

Best Buy Institutes Flex Time

Looks like the rest of the world is following Google's example in work hours. Hey, maybe my lack of ability to stick to my work schedule won't be such a bad thing in the near future. ;)

MySpace, U.S. Address Sex Offenders Online

Looks like it's becoming more and more difficult to be a registered sex offender. Well, in the south, especially. I have an acquaintance in this situation. Don't get me wrong, this is a good idea, but, now all they need to do is re-evaluate the conviction laws that define a true "sex offender". All I'm gonna say is: sucks to be convicted; so much for integrating back into society. Let's hope that these sorts of additional restrictions don't cause more released offenders to not register (if I understand correctly, the judicial system's way of tracking registrations is a bit lax).

Sony, Nintendo Announce 'Fixes' For Their Consoles

HA! I knew there was a good reason to avoid getting a PS3 for a couple of years. Sony is definately targeting the financially elite with the 3rd revision of its ever-popular console line. I'll give Nintendo some major props with their Wii, however (other than the name, that is). They've targeted a whole new generation of possible game players. Once the console wars are over this Christmas, and I'm no longer suffering from spastic fits waiting on the release of Halo 3, I'll probably look into getting one. Especially if they are sticking to their original marketing from E3 '05 of being able to download the ENTIRE Nintendo library (for a price, I'm sure). I can see it now... Super Mario Bros. on the big-screen. W00+!! :)

Speaking of games, I finished up the last of the "Casual" storyline in Gears last night. Funny thing is, I was trying to detail my last battle with General Ramm to my co-worker over lunch, and he just kept giving me that, "uh, huh" deer in the headlights look. LOL.

I'm almost fully on my way to migrating to using nothing but Fedora Core 6. Tasks left to do:
  • Get Evolution to sync with work's calendaring/email server and my iPAQ (Pocket PC 2003). It's not cooperating, so far.
  • Manage my phone numbers, pictures, and ringtones thru the laptop (I found 'moto4lin' that might do this)
  • Wait on Adobe Flash to stabilize.
Then there's the soon to be released Red Hat Enterprise 5 to test. This is getting crazy. Otherwise, I'll have to break down and go back to Vista (oh, the drama). I'm hoping I can get all this to work just to prove to my co-worker (the one from lunch) that Linux CAN do anything Windows can. Yeah, he's one of THOSE admins. :)

Awite, Smallville is over and Gray's is about to start. Aw, crap.... It's a re-run. Guess I'll play some games, cause I'll be scripting all weekend.


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