Monday, March 15, 2010

Test drive the Prototype.

Yes, being the fanboy I am, I did buy Final Fantasy XIII, however, being this is the first 3-disc game I’ve played since VII on the PS2, it’s going to be a while before I get into the write-up on it. So, instead, I give you Prototype.

Within an hour, I immediately felt like I was playing Crackdown, again. Now Crackdown I would have never purchased had it not been for the Halo 3 beta invitation that was included with it. I’ve hardly even played the game. Prototype is basically Crackdown on crack. Leaping and gliding from rooftop to rooftop, running up the sides of buildings, jumping and running at superhuman capabilities. The added bonus, your body is a weapon. You have the ability to absorb your enemies and morph into them. Your hands and arms turn into blades and boulders for massive hand-to-hand damage against militia, tanks, and even buildings. The blood, gore, and language are prolific. Yes, this game is rated M for Mature. The graphics are done fairly well however, I haven’t noticed much of a soundtrack. In defense, I haven’t been able to turn the volume up very loud, either. In all, not a bad rent. I’ve actually played it more than one day. And, now that you can find a used copy for around $30, not a bad buy, either. With all the side quests alongside the story, there’s plenty of game play. Although the landscape is the city of Manhattan, it’s still expansive enough to give you plenty of room to roam. And you can go from north side to south side to east side to west side with no lagging load times. Awesome! If nothing else, give it a rent to quell the need of some serious bloodshed and destruction.


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