Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Rocking out, again.

In all the political turmoil, I have to do something to keep my already stressed mind off the latest governmental issues. So, I’m still renting and playing games.

This week, Guitar Hero 5 for the 360. I’m not so impressed this go ‘round. I’m guessing Activision wanted to get in on the younger generation with their latest in this extremely drawn out series. It’s not really geared around a single player experience. The new features in this one differing from World Tour is the ability to customize your own band with characters of your choosing from the Rockstar Creator (from World Tour), and you can play with your Xbox Live Avatar. The scoring system has also been improved to add additional challenges. Depending on the song, you are required to try a different instrument to get the extra 3 stars. Oh, and you can now get 6 stars if you complete a song without missing a note. Since it’s focused more on the younger gamers, the screen real estate is mostly occupied by the instrument “highway”. This makes it even more difficult to see the actual characters performing in the background. Overall, if you just really love the Guitar Hero series, and have to have every one, then, by all means, add it to your collection. Me? I’m going to leave it at a rental until I either have kids or can get my GF more interested in playing for the score and achievements… neither of which I foresee in my immediate future. :)

Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Wii is next on the list. I’m a huge Metroid fan from the Nintendo era, but skipped over the Gamecube. I’m looking forward into getting into this latest release (and remastering) in the Metroid line. I’ll let you know next week (or later this week if it sux).



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