I guess it's time for an update.
I feel like an eternity has passed, even though it's only been a month. Not in posting terms, but life in general. As I mentioned in my last post, I met someone. Also, in that time frame, I've moved, started a new semester at work, and generally just tried to keep my shit together. Things went from simple and boring to wild and extremely interesting (to say the least).
I can tell the summer is over. Today was the first pretty warm day we've seen since last month's heat wave. Too bad I was way too hungover to enjoy it. One of these days I'll learn that Jager and I must operate in small doses. ;) Now I'm sitting outside in a sweatshirt with the laptop. The cool evenings of the Fall are approaching. I love this time of year, but it only reminds me that old man Winter will be trailing soon after with his chilly breath. The cold and I don't get along, in case you didn't already know that. Even though I haven't been settled in long enough to really enjoy it, living in a house has it's advantages. Not just for the fact that the Fat Dog has so much more room (and a yard), but for times like now. I'm on the back deck looking at the stars (what 3 I can see being so close to the city), typing this. I just don't get any better than this. Well... yea it can get a whole hell of a lot better, actually. But you get my point. It's better than still being cramped up in that apartment.
Alright, alright. Here's the nitty gritty you've all been bugging me about. I met a girl. Crazy thing, at my age, you don't just meet a girl anymore. Yeah, there are those that turn your head, catch your attention, or even your digits. But then there's that one. The one that thinks and says and does everything that makes your heart skip a beat in excitement. The one that makes you start going down that mental list of what it is you are looking for in forever. The one that puts a check next to every item on that list. The one that makes you keep telling yourself over and over "There is no way. This can't be real." The one you can share chugging a beer, having an intelligently thought provoking conversation, discussing your emotions, and then non-chalantly asking and answering what your ideal wedding looks like in your head. All in the course of about 2 weeks. This all seems so surreal everytime I think about it. Also, it seems so much longer than just 2 weeks. It's like we've known each other for years. OK... don't get so worked up. Fairytales do happen (tho, rarely, from what I've seen). This could be real. This could be it. She could be the one. "You are the one, Neo." LOL!
So that's my nutshell right now. I'm dealing with emotions I boxed away those oh so many years ago. My hard-core badass composure is crumbling. I feel like a putz. And I'm doing my damnedness not to do anything stupid to scare her off. There is one thing that I'm not quite sure about (or I've just forgotten over the years of self-induced separation). Is it normal for your stomach to fill up with butterflies just because you look at a picture of someone?
I am turning into such a damn pansy....
Johnny Wander - BUZZ! - 09
2 days ago
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