Monday, September 17, 2007

Going for the gold... and getting the silver.

See, now this is why I don't like posting about the deep speculations of my personal life. I end up getting way too many questions about the situation which I should have just kept to myself. Either way, I'm done being "mopey and lame" about the whole thing. I'm done "walkin' off the w33pies" (as Largo calls it). And, I'm accepting the course of lives that are, in half, my choice and agreeance. Unfortunately for me, I can be a deeply emotional person. There are times when the initial situation will go fine and everything is cool. Later, I'll begin to over-anaylze. My thought process will drive me absolutely batty until I can work everything out in my head. I then end up apologizing to friends (and family) for being such a dumbass and worrying too much. So, I'm done over-analying. I'm back to having a smile on my face. And, I'm happy-go-lucky, again, because life is too short to sweat the little stuff.

And, this is the last Emo post you will ever get out of me. ;)

Now, in all honesty, there must be something really wrong with me. I still haven't ordered my copy of Halo 3. No, it's not because I'm still trying to choose which of the 3 different versions I want. It's actually not because of finances; I put that money away a long time ago. ;) I guess I'm just assuming that if I order it online, I'll still get it shipped the day of release. You know, I should probably make sure there's a Best Buy or GameStop near me, now, so I can go pick it up that morning before work. ;) I finally just found a Blockbuster the other day. How long have I been living here? 3 weeks? Slack-ass....

Oh, another personal w00+! In less than a week, I've already managed to shave 5 minutes off my run. The hardest part about getting back into running is that I really shouldn't be doing this for time but for the sheer exhilaration of it. Running, when I was younger, had a side effect of being mentally relaxing. Reprogramming myself is going to be the most difficult part. Well, I guess I can just use the time to help with the traning for my two goals:
  1. I want to make it up all 4 flights of stairs at work without getting winded. I came pretty close today, but normally, somewhere between the 3 and 3 1/2 mark, I have to take a deep breath. I'll recover by the time I get into my office, but it's still been an annoyance to me.
  2. By the end of the year, I want to be able to run 6 miles without having to stop.
I've had no problems going non-stop with my current 2 miles since my second day out. I just had to find a new pace. My mind was still running at my old pace from high school my first time out, but my aging decrepid body's not quite ready to keep up with it. :p

Well, it's getting pretty late, and I have to get up early these days if I want to get a parking spot at the train station. I'm outtie.


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