... not only do you know the dances, you are the one starting them. I never thought it would come to the day that I would be leading the lines at Cowboys. The place was actually quite dead last night for a Thurs. Must have been the rain. ;) Most of the usual "regulars" (i.e., my sister's friends) never even showed up.
While I'm on my bar-scene rant, I came to an interesting realization last night. Why is it I always flirt with the bride-to-be and her little troup of friends every time I go? Is it that I'm that self-concious about the whole no ties deal? I mean, yeah. I just go there to dance. But am I that worried (or too chicken shit) about asking a girl to dance? Either way, I had fun and that's all that matters. :p~ The only thing that sucks is that drive back home. It's even worse now that I've moved to the south side of town. It's too bad there's not any other decent country clubs closer (that I've found, so far). I guess I could try further south, but that would be just as far of a drive.
BTW, I've started running, again. Not too happy with the fact that on my second day out, it took me a little less than 25 minutes to run 2 miles. I don't think I ever ran that slow even when I was in the yearly mile road race as a kid. This is embarassing. (For those of you who don't know, I ran for the cross-country team in high school.) The good side is I'm not quite as out of shape as I thought. The last 7 (well, actually, I guess I should say 14) years of smoking hasn't hurt me too bad.
I should have slept in instead of rushing out the door so quick to make it here on time. It's pretty dead at work for a Fri. Of course, now that I say that, people are going to swarm into my office at 4:45 this afternoon wanting me to fix complicated stuff or something really important is going to blow up.
Awite, The other stuff I need to work on isn't supposed to happen until this afternoon. Guess I'll go txt msg my friend and annoy her while she's on her lunch break. ;p~
Johnny Wander - BUZZ! - 09
2 days ago
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