I really should quit trying to maintain all my different internet personalities. All it ends up doing is wasting more and more of my time. I go days without doing anything, and next thing I know I've killed 5 hours trying to catch up. I see now why I quit spending so much time on the internet outside of work. I enjoy my physical and real social life. Admittedly, I revel in it more during the summer months, but that's besides the point.
So, what's the issue? The issue started yesterday. Obviously, my sleeping habits are horrible. So I show up to work "late" all the time. Which, in turn, I end up working late, usually, just so I don't have to pay to get out of the parking deck. So I'm a cheap-ass; big deal. :p~ Newayz, yesterday started off as one of those days. Mostly just becuase I was still tired from the move on Sat (told you I don't do much exercise). Well, instead of my usual evening gaming frenzy, I decide to call it an early evening. I grab the laptop and head to bed to drop a quick blog. Freakin 2am later, the laptop starts running out of power, so I plug it in. Next thing I know, it's 4:30. Great. There's no way I was going to stay awake for another 3 hours; to bed I go. Next I know it's 11:40. Crap! By the end of the day, I've spent most of it on the phone dealing with a sales rep for this new product we need to test. And then there's this other "issue".... grrrrr... I'm so sick of whiny n00bs! This getting pretty consistent about happening at least once every Fall Semester. So anyway, I'm DONE with work around 5, take a break, finally eat my "breakfast". I start cleaning up my music again, later, and while waiting start some laundry and continue surfing the web. 10:30. DAMN! I've killed another 5 hours! So, here I am, sitting in front of the TV, watching "Ah! My Goddess" and bitching here. Well, on the upside, I've only had 3 smokes, today. ;) Ok, between watching Belldandy and Erd getting Kaechi into all kinds of ridiculous situations and babbling here, I feel so much better.
So, as I finish up the final episode... nite!
Johnny Wander - BUZZ! - 09
2 days ago
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