I think I have finally come to admit I am officially blind. I try to get away with not having to wear my glasses as much as possible, but once the sun sets I usually end up trading my Oakley's for my "eyes". Tonight, however, I wasn't able to do that as freely as I normally am. I've had a hard time trying to see the computer screen, and I'm not even going to bother trying to watch TV. I can't frikin' see!
Scenario: There's a reason I tell people, "Clean out your pockets before you get in the Jeep." During the summer, the doors are off and the top is usually down. Hats can be lost and things can fall out quite easily. Normally, I'm wearing a pair of cargos, so I don't have to worry about loosing anything I value. Today was one of those days I wasn't outfitted correctly, however. After about 20 minutes of cruzin' back from the mall, I realize, "Oh, shit; where is my Balistics case?" Yup, it's somewhere out on the superhighway of traffic hell. I wasn't even about to turn around and go look for it. At least I had my shades on; I'd have been more pissed if those were lost instead. Now, due to my severe distrust of modern medicine (and the fact that I hardly ever get sick), I tend to avoid doctor's offices and the likes. After I get home, I'm tearing the apartment apart looking for my last CLRX prescription. I'm thinking, ok, I can order some comtacts from 1-800 Contacts, schweet. Been meaning to do that for years anyway. I finally found it, but it's dated 2002 with an expiration of 1 year. Great. Well, the order went through (damn next day shipping cost just as much as the contacts themselves), but they have to verify with "your doctor" before shipping. Well, hopefully, it'll work, and I won't have to try to find an optomologist that supports my insurance AND can accept an appointment, like, immediately.
So why was I insane enough to go to the mall on Tax-Free weekend to begin with? Yeah; I thought it would be a good idea to go get some new shirts for work because of all the sales. I got the shirts. Even found a pair of jeans (which is extremely rare). Oh, well. This just goes to prove I really don't belong at the mall. Actually, the only thing I like about malls is people watching. Go sit in the food court sometime and just observe/evesdrop. You'll laugh your ass off for hours.
On a good note (sorta), I finally put a 360 on order. My projector has started having fits again and rather than try messing with it, I ordered a new one. Of course all this was possible only because I got approved for a Best Buy card. :) At least I know now that my credit is not as foobarred as I thought. Of course, I'll be paying for it for the next year(+) but, we have to have our toys, right? And besides, IT's AN XBOX 360!! LOL. Just have to wait 2 weeks for everything to come in. Yes, I did say I was going to wait, but I also found out Gears of War and Halo 3 are scheduled for relase in mid-November. A day apart, actually. There goes my social life till Christmas. ;)
Well, it's another one of those late niters, so I better get off to bed if I want to get into work at a decent hour tomorrow (today).
Johnny Wander - BUZZ! - 09
2 days ago
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