Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Nothing but re-runs...

...and my Tuesdays have been replaced with whatVeronica Mars is not on, but Pussycat Dolls/the Next Doll, is?  Yeah... no.  Even Stargate SG-1 is a re-run.  I'm done working (yes, I'm doing work this late, again).  I was thinking of being productive (you know... those things called "cleaning" and "organization"?), but 2 glasses of wine changed that real fast.  ;)

So... where did I leave off?  Oh, yeah!  .... wait... I just have to cringe everytime that damn Quizzno's commercial comes on.  That ditzy chick at the end of the commercial with her shrilling... giggle, or whatever that is... just chills me to the bone.  15 minutes of stupidity fame.  Gotta love this society.  ....Anyway.  Gamer's wish list for the summer (since I can't think of anything more practical to rant on):

  • DOAX 2 (360) (been out for a while)
    - yes, I'm a sap for jello physics  ;)
  • God Of War 2 (PS2) (tonight, so going to pick it up tomorrow)
  • Command and Conquer 3 (PC) (Mar 28)
  • Bioshock (360) (Spring 2007)
  • !!!!! .hack//G.U. Vol 2 !!!!! (PS2) (Q3 2007 <- what kind of stupid date is that; why don't they just say "for Christmas"?!)
  • !!!!! Halo 3 !!!!! (360) (not official, but October)
  • Halo Wars (?) (no frikin' clue; 2008?)
  • and, duh, Tomb Raider Anniversary (May 2007)

I know there are others; I just can't think right now.  Need more whine.  ;)  Ok, going to practice my God of War sk1llz for tomorrow's continuation.  :D  BTW, I love my new DVR and HD!!!  Now I can watch Avatar and Naruto!  ;D

Summer bookworm list next (maybe).  Since I don't have a PSP, yet, I gotta have something to do while I'm on "sMARTA".


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