Yes, on a Sunday. Orignally it was supposed to be a quick in, check the chillers (A/C is out in one of the buildings for the weekend), re-install a server, and quick out. Hour and a half, max. Well, of course with my luck, the server happens to need a driver for the RAID card that's not included with the RHEL 4 Update 4 install, and the partitions are 2TB each (4 of them) which takes a good 20-30 minutes each to format. So I've been sitting in this frigid-ass server room waiting on the damn thing to finish, for the last 3 hours. Normally, I'd start the install and finish it up from home; but, I don't know if it's gonna reboot correctly since it needs a non-included driver. It didn't work the first time around (which is why I'm still here).
Oh. Sounds like I just heard the reboot beep. Need to go check on it. Hopefully, it'll work this time.
I'll have another post when I get home. I've got something hilarious about FFX-2 that I just HAVE to post. ;)
Johnny Wander - BUZZ! - 09
1 day ago
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