Well, that was a quick answer. After keying my way through all the automated beeps and munber sequences, I get this nice little automated message (obviously, not quoted word for word):
"Yes, we know the service in your area is screwed up. Our slack-ass techs are still sucking down corn dogs on their coffee break, but they may figure out what they broke to cause this sometime by the end of the week."
At least I figured out which channel is ESPN. ;) You don't ever realized how much you depend on that guide. Who the hell can memorize 600 some odd channels, newayz.
So I'm not doin too bad on my non-smoking trip. These patches don't work half bad, but they leave your arm raw as hell when you take them off (and itchy). I forgot to take the one off last night. Talk about some fscked up dreams. Well, it is a warning on the box. I didn't really crave one until my usual break time around 3 this afternoon. It wasn't a nic-fit or anything. These things pretty much loose their potency about now, so I'm craving another. I've only had half of one (when I got home around 8). I'm still debating going for the other half. "But, ur not trying! Don't give in!" Screw off, compared to my 10 a day, I'm pretty damn proud of 1/2 in 2 days. Now that I think of it, this explains why I've been so mellow all day. I think this patch has more nicotine in it than I usually get. Might should switch to the smaller one tomorrow. ;)
OK, got some torrents to tend to, and Green Bay's actually beating McNabb and the Eagles, so I'm gonna watch.
l8rs. (for good this time)
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