I am the stir fry master! I've discovered a new dish tonight. I loves me some stir fry, and tonight was the night. Take some of those really thin pork slices that Kroger sells (the ones you can't do anything with other than make sandwiches) and slice into strips. Drop in the wok with a little olive oil so not to burn 'em. Season with minced garlic, McCormick's Season Salt, sesame seeds, and a little soy sauce for taste (just don't ask me how much 'cause I never measure anything). Once cooked, glaze with Iron Chef brand General Tso's Glaze and Sauce. mmmmmm.... magnifique y delicioso! (<--- that's fre-spanglish for really frikin' good) See, I told you I've been on a food kick lately. ;) Actually, I like to cook. I'm not a master chef or anything (my presentation skills blow), but I don't think I'm that bad. It's just so hard to cook for one person (even tho I can eat enough for two people). That and I grew up where the cook never cleans. The cleanup afterwards is always the suckiest part.
Well, the 'rents will be here tomorrow to help move my sister this weekend. I'm heading down with them to unload and unpack. I'm making it a 5-day weekend; my last on the beach for the summer. They don't have high-speed internet, yet, so this'll probably be my last post until Tues or Wed of next week when I get back.
Oh, yeah... I'm getting my drafting table, so I should start more definitive work on "Ch33zip00fz!" soon. Yay! The dream is finally starting to become a reality. :D I finally got my game back on last night. Since going through my Xbox games for compatiblity, I came to the sad discovery that I can't transfer my old game saves from the Xbox to the 360. So, last night, I started over with Halo. Finished it up earlier before cooking dinner, so on to the next. I'll probably go through a round or two of DOA4 then start on Halo 2 since I won't be able to get any game time in this weekend. Off I go. :p~
Johnny Wander - BUZZ! - 09
2 days ago
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