I've switched from using ecto to BloGTK. Mainly, since I run only Linux at home, and I originally tried ecto out at work.
I did finally manage to get around to doing some rough sketches last weekend of the characters for the web comic I mentioned in my last post. I decided on a title, too: "Cheezypoofs". Don't ask... just go with it. ;) I'm going to try something really different with this that you don't see too many (if any) artists doing. I've been on this huge "free software foundation" kick for about 6 months now. I've decided I'm going to "power" this comic using only free tools. For those of you non-techies, here's an example of what I mean: For all general purposes, I chose Fedora Linux as my OS at home. Mostly because I've just been "promoted" (I guess you could say) to restructure our Linux support at work (we just recently entered into a license agreement for Red Hat Enterprise Linux). In doing so, I'm using all "free" software. Most artists mention using Adobe or similar licensed applications. I'm going to look into using GIMP and things along that line. Needless to say, I haven't had my scanner hooked up in years, so I'll need to get my hardware set up b4 I can start editing the images on the 'puter. Like I said, the sketches were really rough, so I probably won't be scanning those in newayz.
Otherness... after having rented the game almost 3 weeks ago (I love the Blockbuster Game Rental Pass), I finally got around to playing "Advent Rising". I was a little disappointed with the graphics, but I'm impressed. Cool game! I'm definitely a video game kid at heart (having grown up in the Atari/Nintendo era), so I try keep up with the game industry as best I can. This is one that slipped under the radar on me. I read an IGN review on it this afternoon, and apparently, it's was a hot topic about a year ago. I will have to agree with this note: "Players who are used to constantly maneuvering the camera will find this system to be awkward at first, but as you learn to work with the targeting system it opens up a world of possibilities." I still haven't gotten used to the camera targeting control (too many hours playing Halo), but it is different, and I am enjoying it. There haven't been too many games lately that keep me that interested. Guess I'm finally growing up. :( That or I'm just too much of a seasoned gamer to like simple games.
Well, that's about it. I haven't had any time this week to work on more drawings (sucks having a full-time job), and I think tonight I'm going to either the bachelor or bachelorette party (friends of my sister getting married). Maybe I'll have time tomorrow. I definitely need to get the character designs down. I'm just as anxious as you to see what they'll look like. :/
Johnny Wander - BUZZ! - 09
2 days ago
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