Two months of finally settling down, and who knows how many since the last time I was here...
Yeah, so the wiles of buying a house will send you down a new path of confusion and excitement all at the same time. And exhaustion... tons of exhaustion. So I find myself sitting in my bar in the corner for the first time in a while. It's interesting watching everyone I know carry on in their usual wild (translated: loud) manner and listening in on conversations I really don't need to be hearing. But this is who I am. The fly in the corner. ;) It's actually relaxing compared to the usual hustle and bustle; not to mention, the crazyiness I've been involved in for the last two months. So in my moment of "zen" and separation, I think it's time for a game review. Too, this is to get myself back into the gaming world. I've only been able to play once since the middle of July between moving and loosing the bulb to my projector.
Fear 2: Project Origin
Yeah, this one's been out for a while, but It's my latest on the Gamefly list. And, I was in the middle of playing it before the move. I really like the Fear series. I purchased the first one (later, used, on discount, of course) with the anticipation of the shock factor the commercials advertised. Project Origin continues the story as a prequel to the first game. The storyline keeps you wrapped in, but like the first game, there's a good deal of "run and gun" you have to go through to actually make it to cut scene. This is my one disappointment with the series. It's literally just a "shoot 'em up" designed primarily for the multi-player action. They spend too much time in between AMV sequences, where I get bored and just turn the game off. I'm one of those weirdos that love TPS (third person shooters, for the uneducated) purely for the one player action. I don't get involved in Xbox Live! that often, so my primary concern with a game is not the multiplayer capabilities. The upside is I can't make myself send the game back, yet. There's just enough of the infrequent, make you crap your pants because of something jumping out of nowhere moments that I just have to keep playing. It's a sick obsession, I know. ;) But, if you get a chance, give the game a go. The graphics and audio tracks are astounding. Not to mention, the gameplay is extremely fluid. I'm completely enthralled with the exploding enemies at close range with the shotgun. :p Would you expect any less from a Halo and Gears enthusiast?
So that's it from the bartop for tonight. Hopefully, in the next month, I'll be ranting from the "Batcave".