Friday, April 24, 2009

Support law enforcement families this Sat!

Afternoon all! Just a quick note then back to my weekend… errr, I mean… work. ;)

MJ’s supporting a blogathon this weekend for Police Wives Online:

Note to Self: Note to Readers: HELP!

Her fiancé, and my GF's brother is a patrolman. From the blog site: "Donations will benefit the many programs at Police Wives Online including the H.U.G.S. (Helping Uplift Grieving Survivors) program and a newly created scholarship fund for law enforcement families." Stop on by and show 'em how much you appreciate your officers, and their wives (no, not in that manner, you sicko!). The goal for this year is $1k.

Meanwhile, my 360 came back Wed, so I'm a little preoccupied at the moment. Get back to you. ;)


Thursday, April 16, 2009


I don’t really care much for Ubuntu, but they have made huge strides in introducing Linux to the not-so-technical home users. Countdown to the new version:



Monday, April 13, 2009

So much for weekly…

But, I’m still getting back into this, at least. ;)

Newayz. The weather as of late in the ATL (and most of the South, for that matter) has been cool and damp. I know, you’re thinking, “Yeah. So?” This is fairly unnatural for the Southern region of the States this time of year. Or, so it seems unnatural from the weather patterns that we’re used to experiencing when it’s not an el Niño or la Niña season. (From the little bit of “Es-pan-yol” that I remember, I really don’t get using son and daughter to define a season, but that’s for another rant. Regressing….) This cool dampness is non-so helping towards my aged ailments of sinuses and joints. Also, with the teasing weekends of warm sunshiney (did I just type, “sunshiney”?) days, I’m ready to get out of the house and enjoy the comforts of nature’s warmth (i.e., I’m ready to lay out in the sun).

On another note, last Fri, I finally set my poor 360 on its trip to Seattle for repair. I’m hoping it won’t take any more than 2 weeks. I’m jonesing to play my GameFly rentals, X Blades and Golden Axe: Beast Rider. I’ve already had them 3 weeks and not been able to play.

Oh. I need to clarify this, as I’ve made some changes. For those of your Facebook’ers and Multiply’ers, the origination of Beware the Tourists is at Blogger. For the lazy (like me), there are RSS  (definition here if you have no idea what RSS is) links off to the top right. I finally upgraded to the newer templates not long ago; hence, the layout has changed ever so slightly.

