Wah hoo biotches... I'm going to keep this short as even tho I'm in the mood to rant, but I've nigh the coordination skills at the moment. All I'm going to say is, "I loves me some sake." Besides, I'm in jabber mode and last thing I need to do is start drunk txt'ing my friends. :D
OK, so I'm not dead, nor have I given up on ranting. There has been much in the personal (mostly work) life that has kept me from here. Promotions abound and friendships rekindled have pre-occupied me since pre-Thanksgiving. I know everyone has done their whole New Year's resolutions, and I was going to do mine; but, screw it. I have the tasks I intend to complete before the end of the year written down on a piece of paper and magneted to the fridge.
Game-wise, not many changes. Honestly, up until last night, I haven't been on the gaming front much. Too many nights of getting plastered, or staying out late. One thing I must note is that I'm getting too damn old to "go out" on a "school night". With the work promotions, I'm hell bound and determined to start showing up during "normal hours", so I've been crashing well before my usual all-nighters and even midnight. Scary, I know. Maybe I'm finally growing up... Ha! Yeah, right. That be the case, I wouldn't have downed all that sake tonight. ;) Also, since I've canceled cable (haven't hardly watched TV since I moved back in August), I'm out of the Anime loop. Blockbuster Online is starting to irritate me, so I'll probably be changing or getting rid of that soon, too. I will admit, barring the cold, I've been very impressed with myself as far as getting out of the house. Normally, this time of year, it takes near an act of divinity to get me out into this 30 or less degree weather. The Atl saw it's first snow flurries in several years this past week, so maybe that has some motivation to it.
...Damn, the thought train just ran off the tracks. Ok, guess that means it's time to call it a night (all 9p and all). Oh, one last gripe. Dammit, Farve! ...Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that little Manning can rub it in big bro's face, but I wanted Green Bay in the Super Bowl!
l8rz, g8rz!!
Post addition:
I just found out that Heath Ledger passed yesterday. Dude, he was an awesome actor! I've been nothing but impressed with any role he's fulfilled. I can only say, with great sadness, that Hollywood has lost a magnificent talent. "Batman: The Dark Night" will definately be viewed opening night in his honor once it's released.
Johnny Wander - BUZZ! - 09
1 day ago