45 more minutes to go....
I'm eagerly awaiting, and trying to find BS to do while counting down the last few minutes. Hopefully, the requests will stay resolved, and nothing will break. Then it's off to the Oakley store to see if they have those flops I wanted last year. By this time tomorrow, I'll be half-way to my weekend destination of Bush Gardens. Next week, I'll be getting some much needed sun and relaxation on the east coast beaches. I swear I'm solar powered... and I've been in desperate need of a recharge for quite some time, now.
BTW, if you listen to 'net radio, I'm sure you already know this, but visit SaveNetRadio.org. The RIAA's been at it again. They're backing this bill that went through Congress a little while back that ridicuously increased the royalty rates that "free" internet radio stations have to pay; most all stations will be put out of business if this bullshit gets finalized. So there's this "Internet Radio Equality Act" trying to debunk it. If you ever want to listen to something other than typical "airwaves" sanctioned radio stations on the internet, notify your Senate Representatives. Even if you don't listen to 'net radio, give your Senators something useful to do. ;) Besides, it's already passed in the House.
Ok, I'm outtie. That killed.... crap... only 14 minutes. *sigh*.... 31 to go....
BTW, Halo 3 R0X0RZ!!!!11!111!!
Johnny Wander - BUZZ! - 09
1 day ago