I guess after such a hiatus of ignoring my blogging rants, I should at least return here ocassionally and let you guys know I'm still alive. Work has been hectic. The weather is getting more tolerable (which means I want to get out more). Life in general is just busy. But that doesn't mean I've been neglecting my gaming; well, not too much at least. ;)
Since the end of the TV season is near and on temporary pause, I've been out of things to do during the week. As I've stated earlier this year, I try not to get too involved in gaming during the week so I can make it to work at least by a decent hour the next day. However, I've gotten really wrapped up in The Dresden Files on Sci-Fi. Guess I'm going to have to start reading the books, now. Speaking of books, I finally finished Harry Potter 4 (The Goblet of Fire) last night. Lemme tell you, that ending was quite a bit different from the movie. Before I get all wrapped up in the next one (The Half Blood Prince), I'm going to have to wait until I see the movie later this year. In the meantime, I need to catch up on some of Steve Berry's other novels (read The Templar Legacy earlier this year) and try out his latest, The Alexandria Link (saw it in the Bookstore window on the way home from work the other day). Also, I want to finish up The Vampire Chronicles (left off at book IV) and start up on The New Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice (in case you didn't already know that). Then there's the Eragon series that has peaked my interest since seeing the movie. Only problem with all this "need to do" reading is I only read on the train to and from work. After toting around HP4, I refuse to lug around those 400+ page hard-back novelettes, again. Guess that means it's back to reading Manga. ;) Might as well considering I haven't been keeping up with my Anime all that much lately (how shameful). But, I'm totally hooked on Avatar on Nicktoons. Still waiting on the last couple of episodes for the 2nd season. My new found friend (Comcast's DVR) has helped with that. Oh speaking of, remind me to look up .hack//Roots on Cartoon Network when I'm done here. I was thumbing through this month's Newtype USA, and I found out they're running it. Gotta get my fix until Vol.2 of GU comes out later this year. :D
Skipping around again and back to games. I will have to say that I've fulfilled my quota of pixilated boobies and jello physics. I picked up both Dead or Alive Xtreme Vollyball 2 and Rumble Roses XX last week. Obviously I've been playing them too much as I thought of a great script for the comic (Ch33zip00fz) comparing/contrasting these two last night while I was trying to fall asleep. Guess I better write it down before I forget, since I seem to be having serious motivational issues with getting around to drawing everything. :( But my next two new gaming targets are Guitar Hero II and Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix. I've decided that if I'm ever to get my friends to come over and game (since only one of them more than a recreational gammer like myself), I'll need something with a little more "party" pizazz. Besides, I got my dad hooked on Gears of War. He's played guitar for fun since he was in high-school (bought himself a G&L for Christmas a couple of years back), so I'm sure he'll be giddy as a school-girl with GH II.
That does it for this installment. It's Friday. I should be out partying, but I'm not. I know, I'm lame. All my friends are married or seriously dating. They have lives. I don't. LOL! Looks like I'm sitting down with TMNT and Crackdown tonight. Oh, yeah. I broke down and dropped the $60 so I could have the Halo 3 Beta. I'm sad, I know. I'm still torn about the whopping $130 for the Halo 3 Legendary Edition, but I'll probably end up eventually reserving it instead of just the game, anyway. I need therapy... that or a girlfriend. But therapy's too expensive and girls are nothing but trouble. LOL!
Johnny Wander - BUZZ! - 09
1 day ago